Slow down to speed up and see what’s really going on

The phrase ‘slow down to speed up’ isn’t new. The benefits when you achieve this, however, can feel refreshingly new.

Here, Taryn Beattie shares her experience of leadership coaching and the power of slowing down and stepping back to see what’s really going on in her business.

If your business could benefit from an outside perspective, to grow your leadership capacity and effectiveness, I’d love to have a chat.


Video Transcript:

“I was one of those people that was a bit wishy-washy, like, how's this person going to really know my business? 

Having seen the changes in my team members who don't work with Aenslee but have seen the changes within me, everyone would just give it a huge tick.

I don't think you cannot invest in business coaching in this day and age.

Before I worked with Aenslee, our decision-making process in the business was very quick and in turn my personal life too was always high speed, full noise and feeling constantly like a duck, swimming very, very fast and trying to keep afloat.

Whenever there was a problem, I threw myself deeper and deeper into things to try and fix it. Whereas now I step back, get up on the balcony, see what's really going on, and give my team the power to be able to sort the things they can and me to be able to step in when they can't and be a real support person for them. It's given them real security in my management team.

What I enjoyed most about working with Aenslee is that I can be completely a hundred percent myself. On the days where I'm feeling absolutely overwhelmed, having a little bit of an anxiety attack, she can just bring it down.

Even though we do things remotely, she can pick through your voice, your mannerisms, because she starts to know you and really cares.

Everyone needs an Aenslee in their life.”