Is it time to:
bust out of the rut you've felt stuck in for far too long?
step up and demonstrate that you have what it takes to lead your organization?
stop putting off 'til tomorrow the changes you want to have in your life?
listen to that gnawing voice inside you that says you could be playing a much bigger game?
turn your attention towards building your legacy?
You're in the right place.
“I would 110% recommend Aenslee to anyone looking to understand and develop themselves.”

Leadership Coaching can help you to:
accelerate changes that you've been dreaming about
get an unbiased, external perspective on yourself and your situation
make difficult or important decisions
create the space for strategic thinking and reflection (ie working on your career or business and not just in it)
have a softer landing for that big change you want to make.
Even if you...
...think you're too busy (The reflective coaching space can be just the thing you need to give yourself strategic thinking time and make proactive decisions that will help you become more effective and productive overall).
...are worried coaching will be 'woo-woo' (As a former engineer and Finance & Economics management consultant, I can assure you that my entire coaching approach has a sound scientific basis).
...are doubting your ability to make a change or that coaching would really be of any real help (Of course you have to at least be open to trying new things and stretching yourself but I've worked with a number of people who started coaching with some level of doubt and ended up being surprised how quickly they saw results. If I really don't think I can help you, you can trust that I will let you know).
“I entered coaching with Aenslee with the belief that I could not make any real or long lasting behaviour and thought changes - this belief, among others has completely shifted in the past 3 months.
Aenslee’s approach has helped me realize and cement new behaviors and thought patterns to help me achieve the things I value in life.
I am truly grateful for the time I have spent with Aenslee and I feel better equipped, more confident, free-er and clearer than I ever have.”

My research-based coaching methodology draws on adult stage (vertical) development and complexity theory, neuroscience, positive psychology and high-performance sport.
What is Vertical Development?
Traditionally it’s been thought that adults only grow by essentially learning more stuff. If you take the analogy of your mind being a cup, it would be like pouring more information, more skills, more experience into the cup.
But we now know that this traditional learning - also known as Horizontal Growth - is only one aspect of your potential to grow over your lifetime.
You may already have a sense of this intuitively if you've ever had an experience where just because you knew what to do didn’t mean you were actually able to do it.
For example, maybe you’ve been in a situation where you knew your plate was already too full and you should just say "no" to your colleague’s request to help out on yet another project...but you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
Or maybe you desperately want to maintain a calm, collected demeanor at work but every time you have to attend one of those frustration-inducing, death-by-committee meetings you just can’t help but lash out.
Either way, you've discovered that the person you’d like to be in those moments is just not accessible.
In both of the examples I just mentioned, the issue is not a matter of not knowing what to do, there's simply a lack of capacity to execute on what you know. This is where Vertical Development is needed.
If we return to the analogy of the cup, Vertical Development is a process akin to expanding the size of your mental cup so you have more choices available to you in every moment. It’s a metamorphosis that fundamentally shifts how you see the world, how you operate in it, and how deftly you can engage with any challenges that arise.
If you want to be different (more strategic, more calm, more confident, etc) Vertical Development is essential.
“I would recommend Aenslee to anyone as she has changed the way I see the world and feel about myself. Thank you so much for everything.”

Frequently Asked Questions
What does a typical developmental coaching engagement/program look like? . . .
When we make the decision to work together, this is not simply a transaction but a deliberate choice to enter into a unique and powerful relationship, usually for a period of 6-12 months. I become a part of your world and you become a part of mine.
You have the choice to kick-start the process with a developmental assessment (e.g. Global Leadership Profile or Growth-Edge Interview), which provides us both with insight into your current stage of cognitive development/meaning-making system.
As a backbone structure, we'll put fortnightly meetings into our calendars but as things come up (ie challenges/opportunities for growth!) we will be in contact outside of that structure as well. The intention is to maintain balance between the stretch and support you experience, thereby optimizing your opportunity to grow.
You bring the content to the sessions (goals, challenges, longings, fears, reflections, etc that you want to discuss), a beginner's mind, and 100% commitment to play full out and take responsibility for your actions, behavior and results.
I'll bring an unparalleled capacity for non-judgmental listening, unwavering belief in your potential, and an ever expanding toolkit of coaching approaches and research-based methodologies drawn from domains such as adult stage development and complexity theory, neuroscience, positive psychology and high-performance sport all to support your development.
Together, we'll unleash potential you didn't even know you have.
What can I talk about in coaching? . . .
Anything that is useful and important to you.
I will serve as a sounding board and thought-partner, creating a safe, confidential space where you can be completely open and hear yourself think. No matter where you are in your thought process, it's ok. We'll start there and you can trust you will not be judged.
Personal topics, professional topics, uncomfortable situations, difficult decisions, dreams that feel oh-so-big you're worried others might judge your sanity - I am willing to support you in venturing into whatever territory you feel you need to enter in order to move forward on your journey.
Do you work with private clients or organizations? . . .
This website showcases my work primarily as a private coach for individuals. If you'd like broader support for your team or organisation, please visit Spring Leadership, which I founded along with some of my very talented and dear colleagues.
Do you offer one-off sessions? . . .
No. As true, transformational development is a process that occurs over time, and I am committed to helping my clients reach their goals (not just spending time with them), I partner with my clients for the long-term.
Where are you based? . . .
While I travel frequently, I currently consider 'home base' to be Ireland. However, regardless of where in the world they are located, I meet with my clients virtually (e.g. via Zoom video conference).
What are your rates? . . .
As every coaching engagement is customized to fit the client and their specific goals, we'll need to first have a chat in order for me to determine 1) whether or not I can help you and 2) what coaching program will be the best fit for your goals.
How can I be a great client? . . .
Such a wonderful question, thank you for asking. You're already showing signs of being a great client!
You'll get the most out of your coaching experience when you:
~ come prepared to your sessions with things to talk about eg reflections, updates on experiments you've tried (you're the expert on what's going on in your life)
~ are open to being challenged and stretched (yes, sometimes the coaching will require you to lean into discomfort so you can grow)
~ are honest (what you hide away we can't work on and improve)
~ are willing to do the work and take responsibility for your outcomes (I can't walk your path for you)
~ bring the courage to experiment and try new things (rather than assuming you already know how things will turn out)
~ are resilient and refuse to make excuses (sometimes life just won't go the way you want it to)
~ ensure you're in a distraction-free environment during your sessions so you can focus (yes, that includes turning off your mobile device)
~ make sure you have a high-speed internet connection that can support video if we're meeting on Zoom
~ commit to being on time for each session and playing full out.
Of course, I understand that sometimes 'life happens' and you may not be able to make one of our scheduled sessions. In that case, I simply ask that you respect my time by giving me as much notice as possible (at least 24 hours if you wish to reschedule).
Can I hire you to work with someone in my team? . . .
Yes, that's possible, though there are a few things to keep in mind in order to set this engagement up for success:
1) The individual you have in mind (the coachee) needs to want coaching (trust me, trying to force an unwilling party to change is not a good use of your coaching investment).
2) They would need to feel comfortable with me as their coach (coach/coachee fit is a major contributor to the success of a coaching engagement).
3) While we can set up a triangulation meeting (you, me and the coachee) at the start of the engagement to discuss the goals for the coaching, the coachee needs to have a say in them in order to ensure their buy-in, commitment and desire to create the change.
4) Please know that as the coach, as part of my commitment to maintain the trust of the coachee, I am bound to uphold client confidentiality and therefore cannot report on the content of the coaching sessions. Any updates or reporting would need to come from the coachee themself.
If all that sounds good then please get in touch and we can discuss your particular situation in more detail to see how I might be able to help.
Ready to take the next step?
“Coaching with Aenslee was by far the biggest financial investment I’ve ever made in myself and it’s been worth every cent.”